But when juxtaposed against
The object.When these videos first began circulating they lacked official confirmation but when the Pentagon released them in 2020 they were confirmed to be real and undoctored. One of the most pressing questions the general public asked in response to the videos was “Why now” After all the entire world had been in pandemiccrisis mode since early February of 2020 and the battle against the coronavirus was still dominating headlines. Some people have theorized that this timing is no accident but rather was expertly calculated. During times when not much is interrupting the status quo governmentcaptured footage of UFOs would be huge news.But when juxtaposed against political turmoil biological strife and economic Belize WhatsApp Number disaster the existence and confirmation of UFOs felt like merely a footnote in the day’s paper.Have We Only Scratched the Surface of UAPsThe Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program was a partially classified government initiative that was dissolved in 2012. Over the course of five years the U.S. government poured 22 million into this program but officials haven’t been too forthcoming with the results of this spending.Photo Courtesy Getty Images.
This program was one of several that followed and somewhat emulated Project Blue Book the 1950s and 1960s government initiative to research UFOs aerial phenomena and the possibility of extraterrestrial visitations. In those days UFOs belonged to the realm of popular culture. You could easily find an extraterrestrial in the pages of a comic book or on the screen of your favorite scifi serial.But the Pentagon’s recent video release and Congressional testimony are among the most exceptional and honest.