Do you dream of a salary increase and hope
How to get a salary increase 22 Dec. 2017 17:09 Current advice from own experiencethat this dream will come true without your participation? It's in vain. The size of your salary will not increase by itself. Achieving a salary increase requires your efforts. Do you want to know how? Read more. Variant 1. Ask the boss Yes that's how it is. First, just ask your boss about the conditions for increasing your salary, who is authorized to make such decisions. Find out if it is possible to expand the list of tasks in the job description, improve your skills, take on additional part-time duties, or do piece-rate work. Let the boss know that he is ready to grow professionally. Ask a more open-ended question: "What else can I do for the company to get more?" Wait for the boss's response. If the boss responds evasive like "I don't know," try the next option. Variant 2. Describe your suggestions to the boss Workers who have the ability to make proposals and demonstrate initiative are few. So don't hesitate to tell the boss about your plans and aspirations.Any initiative by an employee is praiseworthy. Especially, the boss will evaluate suggestions on ways to increase revenue or reduce costs with the help of him. As a result, he can get a well-deserved financial reward in the form of a salary increase. For example, he suggests that management expand the area of his responsibility: Michael, a "Cold" call executive, client meetings are conducted by morePeru Mobile Number List qualified employees, who earn a large salary. Michael is ready to undergo a training course to interview clients on his behalf and thus increase the number of transactions per month. That is, Michael wants to get a large salary on account of the increase in commission. You can propose to management that they assign you some of the duties and responsibilities that other employees perform poorly: Joanna writes articles to promote the company's brand and publishes these materials on the blog and in the media by the public relations specialist, Ann, who for her work receives little, is not always attentive and often misses publication deadlines.
Joanna is willing to take on Ann's responsibilities and publish articles on the blog and in the media. At the same time, she guarantees the boss that she will take on a greater volume of work and do it with quality and on time. So, Joanna's salary will increase at Ann's expense. Any boss is always ready to pay for work, the result of which is obvious. Think about how to directly link the result of his work with the payment for the work invested in it: George is a sales executive, whose salary is equal to 1000 dollars and commissions are 10%. In a month he receives approximately 3000 dollars. He offers the boss to lower his salary to $600, but at the same time raise the commission to 15%. In this way, George will receive $3,600 per month with the same sales volume, and he will be motivated to increase sales volume. Such a proposal from George would bring him additional income, and the company would reduce its fixed costs.