Asame text of law which refers to the provisions of the previous paragraph excepting only the limits of the prison sentence and the object of drug trafficking it follows that in its content an independent crimetype is not defined since in the structure of the norm is not described a distinct fact. Moreover this way of drafting legal texts corresponds to the rules of legislative technique as regulated in art. para. from Law no. regarding the legislative technical rules for the elaboration of normative acts republished with subsequent amendments and additions according to which in the legislative process it is prohibited to establish.
The same regulations in several articles or paragraphs of the same normative act or in two or Country Email List more normative acts the reference norm being used to emphasize the legislative connections. As a result being in the presence of a referral norm the provisions of art. para. from Law no. republished with subsequent amendments and additions is supplemented with those of para. from which it borrows all the constituent elements respectively the alternative ways of the material element cultivation production manufacture experimentation extraction preparation transformation offering putting on sale.
Sale distribution delivery under any title sending transport procurement purchase possession or other operations regarding the circulation of drugs as well as the condition attached to it namely that the verbum regens is carried out without right. . refers to highrisk drugs listed in tables no. I and II annex to the law and given the increased degree of abstract social danger the legislator reflected it in increased prison sentence limits between and years instead of years. As such since the normative regulation contained in art. para. from Law no. republished with subsequent amendments and additions cannot function independently as an independent crime but only in close connection with the incriminating text.